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Stealing from the Poor

Corruption related to poverty alleviation programs usually involves small amounts of money but generates considerably negative impact.

By NewsChina Updated Aug.17

Corruption related to poverty alleviation programs usually involves small amounts of money but generates considerably negative impact. In 2016, in Hunan Province, procuratorate organs at different levels investigated at least 5,675 corruption cases related to poverty alleviation programs and covering nearly 8,000 people, including the embezzlement of agricultural machinery subsidies, relief funds and the basic living allowance. Low-level officials in rural areas accounted for the majority of the corrupt group and officials at various departments are involved. What’s more, many suspects come from the same work unit. The growing level of government investment in poverty alleviation, coupled with a lack of disclosure of government affairs, local officials’ low legal awareness as well as the difficulty in evidence collection has made corruption in poverty alleviation projects widespread.
