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Commentators on Chinese GDP, model socialist villages, and access to the campus.

By Zhang Qingchen Updated Apr.19

Huaxi village could use the political advantage of the collective economy to raise funds at a time when funds are short … But unless a product meets consumers' needs, it can't succeed, so the enterprises have to stay sensitive to the principles of the market.” 
Fu Weigang, a researcher at Shanghai Institute of Financial and Law, on the prospects of 'model socialist' Huaxi village, reported on news site www.ifeng.com.  

“Sometimes, building up fences just brings psychological comfort.” 
Hu Xinhong, commenting on Beijing Youth Daily on news that Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangzhou Province, had denied residents access to the campus and required students to present valid ID cards before they can enter. 

“The follow-up fiscal and monetary stimulus is limited, and the manufacturing industry hasn't completely recovered, so we cannot sustain the high expectations in the new cycle of the economy. We have to keep a clear mind about the risks.” 
Zhong Zhengsheng, chief economist of Moneta Company, on news of higher than expected GDP figures, on the news portal www.caixin.com